Invasive Modification
Post Production
A dystopian-future film written and directed by Andy Madeleine for Invasive Modification, a Tbilisi, Georgia based design studio. The film premiered alongside a full body of work at IRL Gallery in Chinatown, NYC on November 15, 2024.
Creative Direction by ANDREWS
Production Even/Odd Studio
Written and Directed by Andy Madeleine
Post Production by ANDREWS
Director of Photography Evan Burris Trout
Production Designer Milena Gorum
VFX Artist Matea Friend & Michelle Recio
Composer Paul Kerin
Colorist Cameron Marygold
Production Even/Odd Studio
Written and Directed by Andy Madeleine
Post Production by ANDREWS
Director of Photography Evan Burris Trout
Production Designer Milena Gorum
VFX Artist Matea Friend & Michelle Recio
Composer Paul Kerin
Colorist Cameron Marygold